Sunday, January 18, 2009

blog for Jan 11th

I think the title of the video The Machine is Us/ing Us means that web 2.0 was created by and tuned to fit the needs of its users, us or people in today’s society. As our usage of web 2.0 for the search and storage of information as well as communication and other functions increases, the strength and powers of the web also increases. This can be interpreted as the machine using us while still being created by us. Web 2.0 may affect someone entering into the workforce in both a positive and negative way. The positives are wide span job searches, easier to apply and send resumes to potential employers, and information can be obtained about the history and past major transaction of the potential employers. The negatives are more intense job competition, with less formal communication between employers and applicants. This is the same for people already in the workforce; they have increased opportunities for career changes, but are venerable to the access of some many potential employees with a similar skill set as their own. The statement we will have to rethink everything means that web 2.0 is now such an essential to our lives that we must now began to rethink and restructure the other aspects of our life as well as the way we interact and communicate with others.

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